What are the benefits of motorcycle earplugs?
Motorcycling gives you that ultimate feeling of freedom. Whether you're going for a short spin or long ride. As a motorcyclist, you know that your hearing can take quite a beating when you ride, especially at higher speeds. At Alpine, you can find the best hearing protection for motorcycle riding. Wearing motorcycle earplugs:
Protects against hearing damage
At speeds of 100 kilometres per hour, the volume of wind noise under your helmet is around 94 dB. That means that hearing damage can occur after only 15 minutes. The faster you ride, the higher the volume of wind noise and the earlier hearing damage can occur.
Helps prevent fatigue
Exposure to constant wind noise not only potentially causes hearing damage, but it is also tiring. With the right motorcycle earplugs, you can prevent fatigue, which is especially comforting for longer rides.
Makes motorcycling more enjoyable
You may not know this, but you're actually more relaxed when you ride with hearing protection than when you go without. So motorcycling with earplugs also makes your excursions much more enjoyable!
Contrary to what many motorcyclists believe, a helmet does not provide adequate protection against hearing damage.

Types of motorcycle hearing protection
Foam earplugs
Foam earplugs are the cheapest options and also muffle harmful noises well. The disadvantage is that these motorcycle earplugs completely close off the ear canal. This not only muffles wind noise and engine noise, but also the sounds you would prefer to hear, such as other traffic and your navigation and/or intercom system.
Motorcycle earplugs with filter
Alpine motorcycle earplugs with filter offer several advantages over standard foam earplugs. They provide adequate hearing protection when motorcycling while still being able to hear the navigation system and surrounding traffic. They are also comfortable enough to wear all day long (unlike foam earplugs) and are reusable.
All of Alpine's motorcycle earplugs offer excellent comfort under both closed and open-face helmets.

Which motorcycle hearing protection is best for you depends mainly on what kind of motorcyclist you are:
At speeds above 100 km/h, the volume of wind noise under your helmet is a lot higher than at low speeds. That means it's important to use motorcycle earplugs with high attenuation. Both the Alpine MotoSafe Race earplugs and the MotoGP™ MotoSafe® Race earplugs offer optimal hearing protection for speed freaks.
For motorcyclists who prefer to take it a little easier, there are the Alpine MotoSafe Tour earplugs. With an average attenuation of 17 dB, they prevent hearing damage and fatigue at speeds below 100 km/h.
Need hearing protection on the motorcycle at both high and lower speeds? Then the Alpine MotoSafe Pro earplugs are ideal. Here, you receive a set of MotoSafe Tour earplugs as well as a set of MotoSafe Race earplugs, giving you optimal protected during every ride!